
Book: The Mermaid Chair

So two nights ago I finished reading Kidd's The Mermaid Chair. I received it last April for my birthday, and saved it till I had time to read it all the way through in a couple of days instead of in the five-minute increments of which my reading life has consisted for far too long.

Wise choice. Had I been forced to read it in dribs & drabs, it would have ruined the experience for me. I spent a great deal of time thinking about it each night after I stopped reading, and I find I'm still thinking about it now, with deep satisfaction. This will be one of the rare books I will read a second time in a year, I think - as much for the joy of the language as for the ideas in it.

I came to Mermaid Chair at a time in my life when I needed it - not for the "woman in love with two men" theme, but for the more vital themes, which I won't go into here because I don't want to spoil it in case anyone actually reads this.

Wonderful book. Inspired writer. I suspect that the parts which spoke most deeply to my soul were autobiographical. I can't wait to read her Bee Season, which I've ordered from paperbackswap.


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