
J.P. Stassen's "Deogratias"

from http://www.globalpolicy.org/security/issues/rwanindx.htm

This is a book I will be reposting on paperbackswap again rather than keeping. It needs to remain in circulation. It needs to be read. It needs to disturb and haunt as many people as possible.

And it needs to
not sit on my bedside table in order to continue to disturb me. It is so upsetting that, long after being read, will stay with me. Just looking at the cover is enough to give me a case of the spiritual shudders.

And yet I will never, ever regret having read it.

What Stassen has done is truly remarkable. The artwork is amazing, if difficult to read without bright light due to the many subtle shades of black ink he used.

My God, what we humans are capable of.

Read it - if you are strong enough in spirit.


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